Find out the features of the construction and the cost of your house

Own logging complex

Production with high precision cutting

Russian and European quality certificates

World quality standards

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The ZAVDOZ Group of Companies is a major manufacturer and supplier of wooden houses made of glued laminated lumber in Russia and abroad. The production capacity is more than 1,500 m3 of lumber per month.

Modern woodworking machinery park (Krusi/Switzerland, Top Master/Italy, Hundegger/Germany).
A wide range of premium lumber cross sections (from 120 to 280) and exclusive knotless technology from Siberian pine of the "EXTRA" variety.

The strictest quality control is confirmed by certificates EN 14080, GOST R, ISO 9001.
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Сatalog of projects

Сatalog of projects

Summary estimates

Calculation of the house price by taking into account different configuration options

Price fixing

The cost of all work is specified in the contract

Stage payment

Full payment after acceptance of the work by the customer


Готовые домокомплекты со скидкой 35%

Готовые домокомплекты со скидкой 35%

Заберите свой докомплект с завода без очереди

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Valid until 31.03.2025

Весенняя стройка с подарками

Весенняя стройка с подарками

Дарим щедрые подарки перед началом строительного сезона!

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Valid until 31.03.2025

Построим дом на 5% выгоднее, чем у конкурентов

Построим дом на 5% выгоднее, чем у конкурентов

У вас уже есть смета на строительство? Принесите её на проверку и получите более выгодное предложение

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Valid until 31.03.2025

Бессучковый брус по цене обычного клееного

Бессучковый брус по цене обычного клееного

Элитный бессучковый клееный брус по цене стандартного!

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Valid until 31.03.2025


Designing houses

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Production of a house kit

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Turnkey construction

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The ZAVDOZ Group

A comfortable construction process at any stage

Bringing to life construction projects of any scale: from bathhouses to hotel complexes.

Own architectural bureau, design and estimate department and construction department with TECHNICAL SUPERVISION.

The client will always get the best within his needs and capabilities.

The warranty on our facilities is up to 50 years!
Изображение акции
Готовые домокомплекты со скидкой 35%
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