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The use of wood in the construction of Orthodox churches is one of the traditions that existed many centuries ago and has migrated to our days. The widespread availability and relative cheapness of this material made it possible to build churches and small chapels even in the most remote corners of the country.

The construction of modern churches is carried out using a special technology — glulam. Structures made of such timber are more reliable and durable, unlike frame buildings, and are in no way inferior to structures built of stone. Due to the intricacies of manufacturing, the material is not susceptible to the formation of large cracks, insect damage and is resistant to temperature fluctuations and unpredictable weather conditions.

Today, the glulam church combines Orthodox canons and modern architectural solutions.When designing, all the necessary canonical elements and additional structures are taken into account: the altar, the porch, the prayer hall. The architects of the ZAVDOZ company, specializing in temple architecture, take part in the development of projects.

In our catalog, you can choose a ready-made project you like or order an individual one. To do this, you can contact our design bureau and apply for the development of a personal turnkey project. The architects will help you with the choice and complete the task assigned to them in the shortest possible time.

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