Technical supervision

No matter how high-quality the project is, no matter how interesting the architectural concept, inept construction can reduce all the efforts of professionals to zero. How can this be avoided? Technical supervision, which is also called construction control, will help.

Technical supervision is an expert verification measure that ensures standards:

  • construction sites;
  • the quality of construction works and their compliance with norms and rules;
  • the use of building materials specified in the construction project.

Currently, technical supervision of construction is not mandatory. Its implementation and the choice of organization completely depend on the customer's decision. The customer or contractor can carry out technical supervision on their own, but it will be most effective to involve a third party. The Technical Supervision Division of the ZAVDOZ company performs construction control of its own facilities, while the system of work within the company is built in such a way that, in fact, Technical Supervision is a department independent of the construction division, which successfully works as a third party in the interests of the customer. 

The construction of the house is carried out on the basis of a construction contract (Article 740 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the company becomes the General Contractor and is obliged to ensure the quality of work and compliance with the requirements of technical documentation, which means that the organization of internal supervision becomes simply necessary. The customer is granted the right to independently (Article 748 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) or with the help of a third-party engineering organization (Article 749 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) carry out external control.

Control over the progress of construction in the construction division of the ZAVDOZ group of companies is carried out in stages and in several stages.  Construction work in accordance with the documentation is carried out by foremen under the supervision of foremen. The foremen also carry out detailed acceptance of each stage. The management and control of the activities of the foremen is carried out by the Director of Construction and his deputies. In addition, the internal oversight service, which is not part of the construction division, but the customer's service, analyzes photo and video reports of phased acceptance and hidden work and unscheduled visits to check the parameters of the construction site.

You can see the progress of the work acceptance by our foremen on our Youtube channel.

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